
Deleting Facebook from my life

I will be deleting my Facebook profile within a few days. I plan to gather anything off here I have uploaded and don't have another copy of before deleting the entire account.

Why am I doing this?

1. First and foremost, privacy. I realized I have put a lot of myself out on Facebook, probably far more than I ever thought I would. Even with the privacy settings the Facebook founders have basically been bullied into implementing, it still feels like this is a rather vulnerable access to my personal information by nameless and faceless entities.

2. Facebook no longer serves the purpose for me it once did. Sure, I have used it to reconnect to old friends and even relatives. But for what? I don't regularly use it enough to stay involved in all the various social things people do on here and have things like LinkedIn for professional contacts. Everyone else has my email address or phone number for connecting to me, if they want.

3. I dislike the notion that this is replacing email. The "social networking" thing has really exploded in the last few years and I am not at all sure I like it. Read Aldous Huxley for an idea of where I am coming from on this.

That's it.  I will no longer be part of the 500 million interconnected "friends".  I don't think I am missing anything.

1 comment:

Brian Ragle » Google+ might have a shot at taking on Facebook said...

[...] I have previously written, I left Facebook back in December of 2010.  The reasons were many, but mainly it was the ongoing [...]