
The Canadian Bigot

bigot: noun \ˈbi-gət\

bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern English refers to persons hostile to those of differing race, ethnicity, nationality, inter-regional prejudice, gender and sexual orientation, homelessness, various medical disorders particularly behavioral disorders and addictive disorders and religion or spirituality.


Stephen Boissoin is a bigot.  Specifically, he is a Canadian bigot, not that being Canadian is some kind of modifier to being a bigot, but being a Canadian, Boissoin found himself subject to a Canadian law regarding hate speech.  After writing a letter to a local paper, in which Boissoin indicated he was declaring war on homosexuals over their preying on children.  He made the usual arguments Christians of his kind always make when it's clear we aren't necessarily buying the standard line pulled from some dusty, ancient, primitive Middle Eastern book of tales: if we let homosexuals have equal rights, then next thing you know, NAMBLA will come in and rape your children!

The letter is linked above, and before he can remove the comment I posted to him, I present it here as well:
I am normally opposed to the hate speech laws I have read about in Canada, but I find your little tirade offensive regardless of the law.  No wonder the tender Canadians felt compelled to hold you to task for it legally.

It wasn't enough for you to declare the same tired old religious prohibition against homosexuals.  It wasn't enough to say "it's a sin and that's that".  No, you had to take it further and overtly state homosexuals were preying on children, you had to "declare war" on them, you had to make it into a fight against them. Those words, whether read by the attackers or not, were at the basis of every physical assault on homosexuals since.

There are actual evils in this world, namely the slavery of children in 3rd world countries, the tolerance of despots in the Middle East, and the capacity of the human species for self-destruction.  However, you and other hate mongers chose homosexuals for your little war.  You chose to involve yourself in what others do in the privacy of their bedrooms and in their hearts.  Your self-righteous proclamation of doing a god's work serves as your justification for what amounts to a sick obsessive fetish with how other human beings show affection and love.

Thankfully, however, you are losing your self-declared war.  Thankfully, the rest of the world is casting off the shackles of religious obsession with what people do with their genitals and moving toward a world where legally consenting adults of any race or gender can love and show love for any other legally consenting adults.  Canada actually lead the way in this hemisphere and the US will soon follow.

So, wage all the little wars you want.  Obsess all you care to over what other people do in their bedrooms.  In the end, all you are doing is lending the rest of us the resolve to oppose your brand of vicious lies, hatred, and dogma.


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