
Birthers Behaving Badly

Via Buzzfeed, we get the following reactions from the birthers/teabaggers to yesterday's release of Obama's "long form" birth certificate.  As predicted, giving them precisely what they want doesn't satisfy them. Suffice it to say, the real crazy is yet to be seen.

Click on a thumbnail to see the whole image.  Keep in mind, these are real responses from real people.  Laugh or cry, these folks are out there and they are allowed to vote and own guns and drive cars on the roads.



[caption id="attachment_1144" align="aligncenter" width="708" caption="Seriously, Fox isn't even trying any longer to hide their schilling for the GOP."][/caption]


And for a humorous look at how birthers probably view the newly released document, here is something which might be considered real, given the above examples, if I didn't specifically state that it's a joke:


[caption id="attachment_1145" align="aligncenter" width="630" caption="Looks fake to me!"][/caption]